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10 steps to be more productive and have better days


1) Lay out the clothes you will need for the next day before bed

2) Prepare a lunch or breakfast waiting to grab out of the fridge the day before a busy day

3) Leave the house early enough to arrive at work a few minutes ahead of time. This will assure you have a bit of time to settle in before your day begins. Stop rushing yourself

4) Get 8 hours of sleep. Stop telling yourself I’ll switch of the laptop now and do it instead

5) Create or review your to-do list of what has to be done for the day. Prioritize the list so some of the items on it are optional

6)  Have at least 5-min of laughter a day. Watch America’s funniest home video or just relax for a bit with a scene from a friends episode, anything that cracks you up

7)  Tidy up a bit. This step shouldn’t take more than 2-3 minutes per room of your house. This is not the time to start a major cleaning project, just pick up the socks and underwear, wipe off counters, and be done with it.

8) Cut down on your internet and computer time.
Instead of surfing the internet for 4 hours a day, cut them down to 2 and use the other 2 hours left for calling up old relative and friends and making people you care about feel special

9) Do a 30-min exercise of your preference. Who said exercise has to be a chore, stop googling tips on exercise and do what you want instead, may that be dancing around, cleaning, jumping whatever just get moving for 30 min a day.

10) 10-min meditation or just laying around and clearing your head.